
Architectural hints to the New World Order (and third day reflections)

To tell you the truth I’m not in the mood for writing, but I am committed to this blog so I will carry on. for the third day in a row I have been called names and ridiculed for my shirt, (see below),and my beliefs. But I push on. I know that I am doing this for a greater good, for the good of the world. As Walter Bagehot said, “One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.” It takes people some time to accept a new idea. But if i keep preaching, persuading, warning, they will realize. You will realize.

I will continue to the topic of the day though: hints in architecture of the New World Order.

The most intriguing structure is not seen in a statue or building, but in the streets of Washington.

Major buildings including the White House connect along major streets to form the symbol of the Illuminati and the sign of evil or, “Mason”. This symbol is also seen on the dollar bill.

I have examined the pyramid upon the dollar bill but not the whole thing. Thoroughly examine this diagram:

Here’s a statue of George Washington next to the Satanic symbol of, “Baphomet.” Notice the similar position of arms and hands. The two are dressed somewhat alike in clothing. Note the star on Baphomet’s head that keeps reappearing in other places like on money and in maps of the US capital.

There are loads of other architectural hints. He re is a pretty good video for you to watch. Even I have to say some of them are a stretch but it gives you an idea.

Source: http://doingmypart.wordpress.com/2008/01/10/44/


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